Innovation Hub

Explore our Innovation Ecosystem

USask fosters a problem-solving, entrepreneurial culture that applies our research, scholarly, and artistic efforts to community and global priorities to support our commitment to be the The University the World Needs.

USask opportunties include entrepreneurship-focused academic programs, experienctial learning opportunities, start-up support, strategic research-industry partnerships, commercialization tools, technology licensing, collaboration, and access to entrepreneurial resources, events, and opportunities.

Academic Opportunities

Are you interested in taking academic courses that will make a real difference in your career? Tap into, explore, and develop your entrepreneurial skillset with these curriculum-based opportunities.


Experiential Learning Opportunities

Internal Resources


Tech Transfer and Innovation in the Classroom 

Are you a professor or instructor interested in incorporating innovation experiences into your courses? Get in touch with our team to start a conversation about how we can contribute to the great work you’re already doing. We'd be delighted to deliver a presentation or workshop, unique to the needs of your course. Contact Opus.

Business Proposal Review

Are you looking for a business proposal review? Request Edwards School of Business students to write a comprehensive business plan with and for you as part of a class project. This is a free service, although some clients offer to cover some basic expenses, like out-of-Saskatoon travel costs students might incur to meet with you. Learn more and apply on the InVenture website

Entrepreneurial Ecostyem and Events

Wondering how to get involved in the robust ecosystem of entrepreneurship activities? Please check out the events and opportunities below, as well our archive of past events. 

If you are aware of an event or opportunity that should be shared with the entrepreneurial community, please submit the details to Opus


Please check back soon. We will be linking our new Events system to this page to keep you up to date on all upcoming events in the ecosystem. 


Think Different.

Think Bold.

Think Innovation.

Business and Industry Opportunities

Access USask technology faster and easier.
USask has exciting opportunities available for technology licensing and collaboration. We also offer 
USask Fast License, a new commercialization tool designed to make accessing university technology faster and easier.

Innovation and Support


With an entrepreneurial approach, Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships turns ideas and technologies developed at USask into solutions for the benefit of society, industry, and the environment.